Tuesday, January 19, 2010

between times.

kinda in that place that is unlabeled.

our 24 week last phase starts in a few weeks. Jan 14 is my b-day, feb 14 is valentines, mar was always pi day 3-14. its now also national ( sorry canadians ) steak and bj day. this year is also our first day of training to the book.

we decided to add a bunch of smaller events between now and the ironman, our thinking was it would help us stay motivated over the weeks. so we have a trail marathon in a few months. this is the same trail i crashed on 2 times and resa once last year. for 16 miles. so we do the same run, then do a bonus 10 more happy miles. :-)

doing the usual TOSRV ride this year, 100 miles out, 100 back. done that before - but this time we are adding a half marathon to the end of the ride. should be fun.

also added a tri in may. they set up a race that is 1/100th a triathlon, its something like 100 meter swim, 1 mile bike and 400 meter run. but you have to completely transition. - you cant just do it in your swimsuit with shoes on, sounds pretty goofy. thats friday night. then saturday they do a sprint distance tri in the morning. and another one that night. so thats 3! but wait. act now and receive, at no additional cost, a full half tri on sunday. so four full events. the bike is supposed to be pretty brutal, steep hills. from what i have read its about as hard as doing a full ironman, but, well, we will see. should be good for some pretty funny pictures. especially the first one.

so those are the plans. :-)

swam my second mile this morning. was pretty ho-hum. what a great feeling that is. to look at the pool and just swim a mile. huge huge difference from a year ago. we want to go to the pol several times a week for the next month. should help us a lot as its my weakest point. resa who is a better swimmer also feels she needs the time in the water.

and in a side note, i got the total immersion CD about 6 months ago, i think i mentioned it a few times last year, it helps a lot. today i saw someone practicing the glide and skate thing. he was freaking awesome at it. 6 strokes to get across the pool and moving faster than me in my 'windmill special'. so, thats what i am going to get good at. it looked freaking great.

mentally give myself a 9 on the 10 scale. maybe if we go olympic scoring i give me a 9.7 on the 10 for how i feel about stuff right now. just all smiles here. feel i can do it for the first time ever too. just this morning's swim makes it seem possible. i would not be surprised if this is my highest moment of the year as we have some brutal days coming up in the next 8 months. if it is, well, its pretty darn good.

give myself an 8 on the physical status. here i have two versions. compared to me for the last 46 years, and compared to what i need to be on event day. so i would say 8 compared to all time ken, i have been better on the bike, never better in the water or running. and have certainly been better in the weightroom. and compared to where i think i need to be i give me a 6. a bit behind my thinking a year ago... but thats real life i guess. i would think i need a 7 to finish the event, an 8 to like it and a 9 to do better than 15 hours.

so lets get it going again. march 14 is coming, game time is pain time baby.

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